Over 400 million people view or read more than 20 billion pages every month according to the latest blogging stats by Optinmonster. This proves the efficacy of blogs and the necessity to include them in your marketing strategy going forward. Whether you’re a seasoned blogger or just getting started, here are 4 key points to consider when writing a blog to cut through the clutter and get your blog read and shared.
The Right Content
Blogs are a major source of information for consumers and 77% of internet users read blogs. We all know it is important to identify what you want to communicate. But how do you actually go about this?
Review who you wish to attract through your blog. Examples of the who is a collector, an art buyer, an institution, etc.
Draw up a list of key characteristics of your audience and identify 6 possible ideas or concepts you know they would find useful and want to read about. This may take some time but it is important not to miss this step.
Use a mix of content forms in your blog strategy.‘How to articles’ are considered to be the most popular form of content followed by lists and news and trends.
BE RELEVANT ie. stay within the realm of the art industry as this is where you know the interest of your target audience lies.
Always directly relate the blog back to your business and your main business objective which is to sell more art.
Create evergreen content which is content that does not have a shelf life but is relevant for the foreseeable future.
Connect with your reader by using language and images that resonate with them.
Creating a catchy headline is just not enough anymore. With millions and millions of blogs being written every day, it is important to have a headline that stands out and captivates and intrigues your audience.
Here are 7 easy steps to create the perfect headline:
Be concise: the reader should be able to deduce at a glance exactly what the blog is about and what they can achieve by reading it.
Grab their attention: think of how people and particularly your target market will search a particular topic and use those words in your headline eg: How to, tips, best practice, tips, sources, etc.
Use words and terminology that will resonate with your audience.
Use 6-13 words as these attract the most amount of website traffic and rank highest on google.
Include active and descriptive words such as How-to, Best practice, 5 Tips to, etc. Headlines with the word ‘best’ in them were found to have the highest ranking and SEO.
Use numbers by including stats, a delivery, or a time frame in your headline which can also increase readership ie. 65% of all art, 5 easy steps to, 5 minutes, etc. Uneven numbers have been found to be more effective at catching readers’ attention than even numbers.
Ensure your headline lives up to your article. Reading a blog takes time which very few people have in abundance. The reader may get frustrated if they get to the end of an article and you have not produced content that relates to the headline. This could ultimately affect their trust and whether they will consider doing business with you in the future.
A picture says it all